Joe Biden is being kicked around mercilessly. Very few are speaking in support of him. His “loyal supporters” are deserting him.
Let this little guy in Key West tell you what he thinks. Things he believes many ordinary Americans believe.
Henry David Thoreau wrote Walden. Something we all know. He wrote a phrase therein to the effect that men build great buildings, but forget to put in the floors. I tried to find the actual quote. Could not. The thrust remains in my mind from my college English literature days however. His passage has been modernized over the years. Today recalled as…..Men build great buildings, but forget to put noble men in them.
From Washington, D.C. to Italian communities to legislative halls across America the modernized version applies. The “nobles” are not within the great structures erected. The “nobles” being those who are abandoning Joe Biden. Cowards one and all.
Winston Churchill was in a similar position as Biden when Hitler began bombing London. English political leaders wanted a peace arrangement entered into with Germany. They feared the destruction being heaped upon them and could not forget how many of their young men were loss in World War I.
Churchill stood tough and refused to capitulate. England won their end of the war.
Goodness is a feature lacking in many of our leaders today. They are whores. Many corrupt on both sides of the aisle. Many lacking in basic values. Such is not Joe Biden. A good man! Honest and forthright. Which brings me to another Thoreau quote. One I came across while searching for the one I did not find: “Goodness is the only investment that never fails.”
We want as our next President a person embellished with goodness. Biden is such a person. He has exhibited such throughout his political career. Can you say, even slightly intimate, that Trump is good?
There are 264 Democrats and those voting Democrat in the House. Thus far 22 have opted to dump Biden. I would not want these 22 following me up a hill in a battle. Thirty others are expressing doubts as to Biden’s electability. I would not want them behind me in battle either. The numbers leave about 140 circumspect.
Biden spoke yesterday before a crowd in Detroit. His talk was interrupted many times with “Don’t You Quit!”
These are the people who will decide the election. Not puffed up politicos. Let the people speak! At the election in November.
Biden is another Churchill in many respects. You don’t throw the towel in. You fight the fight.
There are two things I believe should be done and done now.
The first involves newspapers, periodicals and the media in general. They should endorse their candidate of choice. No pussy footing around till the last minute. Cease the nit picking of Biden. Let everyone know whether they stand with Biden or Trump. We know the few who will stand with Trump. I cannot believe the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, and CBS would. Americans should be made aware that their reporter nit picking is not how they feel. Waiting to the last minute to endorse Biden helps Trump. Those who ultimately will support Biden should put their money where their mouths are now!
The second involves how the media has been treating Trump since the debate. He is getting a pass. Can you believe? The most corrupt individual to ever run for Presidnet is getting a free ride. Only Biden being discussed and killed in the process. The bad guy is Trump. Media attention should be directed at him also.
Trump’s “debate victory” should not mean Trump’s fitness for the office of Presidnet is not an issue. The media should examine his capabilities, etc. as they are Biden’s. It’s called “fair.”
There is a bottom line the media and many Americans are forgetting and/or avoiding discussing. Biden stands for strong American leadership, Trump appeasement. Biden for democracy, Trump dictatorship.
Why is the preceding so hard to understand?
Enjoy your day!